Exchange rates:

Exchange Dash (DASH) to Bitcoin (BTC)

In the list below, you will see exchangers where it is possible to exchange Dash (DASH) to Bitcoin (BTC). The list contains the best rates at the top, enabling you to see which exchangers offer the best rate. To choose an exchanger, it is advised that you consider the reviews and reserves in the corresponding columns. Click on your chosen exchanger and visit its website to exchange money.

All first-time users of our exchanger monitor will be able to watch the video which will enable them to discover the range of exciting features that come as part of our service.

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This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 591.4443 DASH
min 610
max 4 064
1 BTC 274.3662 24
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 1 min.
3 591.4652 DASH
min 350
max 453 423
1 BTC 126.2500 9
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 591.5068 DASH
min 539
max 17 958
1 BTC 95.7085 130
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 1 min.
3 591.8015 DASH
min 250
max 90 000
1 BTC 121.7547 14
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 593.2413 DASH
min 1 220
max 12 192
1 BTC 551.2271 17
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 596.2051 DASH
min 279
max 9 270
1 BTC 74.8000 75
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 596.4618 DASH
min 360
max 22 433
1 BTC 6.2375 2
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 598.9269 DASH
min 19
max 3 774
1 BTC 14.0400 41
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 603.3766 DASH
min 814
max 20 344
1 BTC 18.1064 1
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.1%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 604.7660 DASH
min 300
max 540 715
1 BTC 150.0000 15
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 608.2226 DASH
min 199
max 33 721
1 BTC 72.7014 1
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 0 min.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 609.8575 DASH
min 207
max 36 718
1 BTC 162.1360 723
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 611.1120 DASH
min 150
max 16 861
1 BTC 15.4190 1
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 0 min.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 611.2784 DASH
min 188
max 18 734
1 BTC 67.4784 0
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.0001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 612.9203 DASH
min 1 050
max 18 734
1 BTC 112.6872 2
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.01%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 612.9203 DASH
min 150
max 11 241
1 BTC 78.9330 0
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 613.2621 DASH
min 532
max 2 107
1 BTC 555.5284 24
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 614.7304 DASH
min 150
max 18 734
1 BTC 57.1000 3
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 619.3749 DASH
min 26
max 11 128
1 BTC 16.4700 926
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.02%.
3 621.3826 DASH
min 544
max 362 139
1 BTC 84.9827 8
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.3%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 622.3271 DASH
min 260
max 1 299
1 BTC 300.2966 1
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.3%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 626.9779 DASH
min 21
max 12 700
1 BTC 61.8326 31
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 1 min.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 591.801519 – basic exchange rate;
0.0000205 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 627.6494 DASH
min 1.86280947
max 13.04
1 BTC 0.7268 8
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
0.5% – commission taken from the source currency;
3 610.101574 – basic exchange rate.
3 628.2428 DASH
min 458
max 815
1 BTC 0.2227 23
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 630.5397 DASH
min 204
max 20 361
1 BTC 520.6347 2
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 633.5889 DASH
min 1.25
max 20
1 BTC 12.0000 45
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 633.6687 DASH
min 170
max 72 674
1 BTC 200.0000 997
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 633.6687 DASH
min 151
max 181 684
1 BTC 50.0000 50
3 633.6687 DASH
min 189
max 76 287
1 BTC 21.9488 700
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 633.6691 DASH
min 197
max 90 842
1 BTC 29.0000 1636
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 633.8300 DASH
min 172
max 3 019
1 BTC 2.1806 24
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 634.1113 DASH
min 265
max 1 818
1 BTC 0.5000 79
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 634.5535 DASH
min 170
max 130 339
1 BTC 35.8610 223
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 634.5535 DASH
min 291
max 14 539
1 BTC 31.5138 272
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 1 min.
3 634.5535 DASH
min 273
max 48 704
1 BTC 13.4000 522
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 636.7400 DASH
min 172
max 3 399
1 BTC 2.6479 16
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 637.4700 DASH
min 172
max 3 778
1 BTC 3.1151 534
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.1%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 637.5889 DASH
min 280
max 30 000
1 BTC 102.4809 58
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 632.906906 – basic exchange rate;
0.00000432 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 638.6174 DASH
min 0.39075
max 2 844
1 BTC 120.1538 751
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 638.6500 DASH
min 146
max 3 778
1 BTC 1.7649 25
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 609.88654 – basic exchange rate;
0.8% – commission taken from the target currency.
3 638.9985 DASH
min 3
max 810
1 BTC 8.8373 12
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 640.8300 DASH
min 147
max 3 780
1 BTC 2.5954 236
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 645.2028 DASH
min 192
max 364 521
1 BTC 516.1287 1862
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 620.813324 – basic exchange rate;
0.00002 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 647.2252 DASH
min 2.15449684
max 538 625
1 BTC 50.0000 195
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 646.103057 – basic exchange rate;
0.00000702 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 655.4594 DASH
min 3.6461
max 7 293
1 BTC 4.2373 40
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 660.154025 – basic exchange rate;
0.000005 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 666.8647 DASH
min 60
max 1 000
1 BTC 2.6175 371
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 667.5571 DASH
min 6.08805767
max 122
1 BTC 10.2574 1
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 669.6366 DASH
min 1.84803006
max 370
1 BTC 0.9971 151
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
3 669.6366 DASH
min 1.84803006
max 370
1 BTC 0.9971 3
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 670.3815 DASH
min 8.092244
max 198 648
1 BTC 152.0000 50
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.01%.
3 670.4666 DASH
min 184
max 3 671
1 BTC 13.2257 47
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 673.7426 DASH
min 40.59
max 12 177
1 BTC 325.0000 143
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 674.1383 DASH
min 6.06
max 10 104
1 BTC 48.0000 15
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 677.9028 DASH
min 4.03979
max 74 478
1 BTC 52.0000 99
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 637.804347 – basic exchange rate;
0.00003 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 677.9433 DASH
min 1.47715
max 223 846
1 BTC 62.2900 416
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 667.840376 – basic exchange rate;
0.000009 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 679.9882 DASH
min 1.93693265
max 115
1 BTC 1.8188 78
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.5%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 680.9966 DASH
min 10.15
max 1 218
1 BTC 5.1565 4
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 681.6750 DASH
min 7.433619
max 185 841
1 BTC 187.0000 86
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 681.6750 DASH
min 4.050435
max 18 271 438 557
1 BTC 141.0000 75
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 682.9699 DASH
min 35
max 60 000
1 BTC 743.1710 108
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 682.9699 DASH
min 160
max 309 370
1 BTC 84.0000 21
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 15 min.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
0.00091811 DASH – commission taken from the source currency;
3 677.390223 – basic exchange rate;
0.00000501 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 684.5168 DASH
min 0.3768628
max 542
1 BTC 0.1529 6
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.1%.
3 689.2201 DASH
min 84.85
max 5 809
1 BTC 1.5746 3
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 696.1745 DASH
min 740
max 369 618
1 BTC 150.0000 114
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 696.8415 DASH
min 6.05
max 12 096
1 BTC 53.0000 134
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 698.0881 DASH
min 300
max 90 000
1 BTC 500.0812 87
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 700.2147 DASH
min 5.554107
max 26 007
1 BTC 7.0245 147
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 700.6527 DASH
min 12.02
max 200 406
1 BTC 105.0000 174
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 701.1144 DASH
min 12.11
max 40 352
1 BTC 208.0000 85
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 708.9432 DASH
min 371
max 40 000
1 BTC 84.0071 85
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 726.7544 DASH
min 33.28
max 1 959
1 BTC 25.6522 3
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 729.9860 DASH
min 1 119
max 111 900
1 BTC 78.7213 87
3 741.4544 DASH
min 192
max 38 309
1 BTC 287.9582 39
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 745.4586 DASH
min 1 162
max 191 019
1 BTC 91.8800 94
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 745.4654 DASH
min 0.524365
max 100 000
1 BTC 237.1215 53
3 745.4654 DASH
min 0.636729
max 100 000
1 BTC 12.4647 51
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 758.7782 DASH
min 4.032289
max 4 032 289
1 BTC 32.0000 164
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 760.6681 DASH
min 8.753064
max 4 041 068
1 BTC 830.0000 195
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 768.1389 DASH
min 40.59
max 12 177
1 BTC 120.0000 87
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 725.941355 – basic exchange rate;
0.00003006 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 768.1390 DASH
min 7.56
max 3 492
1 BTC 1.8743 18
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 701.042 – basic exchange rate;
0.00005 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 770.8219 DASH
min 3.701
max 100
1 BTC 0.2951 84
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 777.8649 DASH
min 40
max 30 000
1 BTC 115.0000 57
3 779.0732 DASH
min 3.85105654
max 112
1 BTC 40.1756 843
3 783.4460 DASH
min 0.5
max 900
1 BTC 453.8564 217
3 783.4460 DASH
min 0.5
max 100
1 BTC 453.7116 105
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 786.7170 DASH
min 8.071848
max 37 279 828
1 BTC 113.0000 126
3 797.9491 DASH
min 1.13938473
max 37 980
1 BTC 10.0000 7
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 741.674774 – basic exchange rate;
0.00005 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 813.0100 DASH
min 9.38313
max 300
1 BTC 26.9651 54
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 665.494319 – basic exchange rate;
0.00015 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 878.7578 DASH
min 32.9
max 1 928
1 BTC 13.0665 20
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
3 934.2324 DASH
min 10
max 100 000
1 BTC 2.4490 65
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.05%.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 628.152082 – basic exchange rate;
0.00025 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
3 990.0663 DASH
min 17
max 6 900
1 BTC 44.7910 455
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger requires registration
before creating an order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 636.417852 – basic exchange rate;
0.00025 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
4 000.0656 DASH
min 17.74
max 10 000 000 000
1 BTC 40.7300 39
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4 078.3190 DASH
min 0.212935
max 2 662
1 BTC 85.0000 201
4 089.2340 DASH
min 20
max 138 187
1 BTC 33.7928 4
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 875.4572 – basic exchange rate;
0.0002 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
4 201.0793 DASH
min 19.38
max 388
1 BTC 1.0000 14
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.05%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
3 637.984546 – basic exchange rate;
0.0004 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
4 257.5390 DASH
min 30
max 600
1 BTC 95.9898 14
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4 317.1322 DASH
min 1
max 50
1 BTC 15.8433 8
4 408.7714 DASH
min 2
max 300
1 BTC 24.1547 9
4 784.5151 DASH
min 4.78451501
max 12 279
1 BTC 2.5663 3
Chart for
The total number working with the Dash (DASH) Bitcoin (BTC) direction is 99 vetted exchangers.
Total reserve in exchangers: 10 976.4364 BTC. Average exchange rate: 3 692.423518

The BTC/DASH exchange rate on the cryptocurrency markets at the current time is 3 588.826879
Some of the exchangers presented here have additional commissions that are included in the rates in case of calculating an exchange for the amount of 10 DASH. To calculate the best exchange for your amount, use the Calculator feature.
In order to combat money laundering and terrorism financing, exchangers conduct AML checks of transactions coming from their customers.
If a transaction is identified as high-risk, an exchanger may halt the operation to perform a KYC procedure. The KYC information is needed solely to comply with the AML/KYC requirements to subsequently unblock the funds sent in the transaction.

All You Need to know About Exchanging Dash to Bitcoin

All exchangers listed will offer a service of automatically exchanging Dash to Bitcoin. You will find useful instructions in the FAQ section which can be used by those who are exchanging electronic money through our site for the first time, enabling them to deal with any challenges they experience during the exchange process.

It is important to remember that exchange rates Dash Bitcoin can improve when you visit an exchange site through monitor than if you were to visit an exchanger directly.

If you are unable to learn about exchanging money when you visit the site, get in touch with the operator of the exchanger (administrator). It is likely that at that moment in time that automatic exchange Dash (DASH) to Bitcoin (BTC) is unavailable which means that a manual process will be followed when carrying out your exchange.

If you are unable to exchange Dash cryptocurrency to BitCoin cryptocurrency at your chosen exchanger, inform us so we can take the right action efficiently (discuss the issue with the owner or remove the exchange from this exchange direction). You can also find out from other users at our forum to discover offers relating to manual exchange.

Exchanger Reliability

All exchangers that you find on our website have been checked thoroughly prior to being listed and BestChange constantly monitors how they perform. This means that all financial transactions are safer with all exchangers listed within our monitor. It is important to read all reviews from other users when selecting an exchangers, as well as the condition of its website, the reserves and the existing status of the specific exchanger within our monitor.