Exchange rates:

Exchange Stellar (XLM) to Bitcoin (BTC)

In the list below, you will see exchangers where it is possible to exchange Stellar (XLM) to Bitcoin (BTC). The list contains the best rates at the top, enabling you to see which exchangers offer the best rate. To choose an exchanger, it is advised that you consider the reviews and reserves in the corresponding columns. Click on your chosen exchanger and visit its website to exchange money.

All first-time users of our exchanger monitor will be able to watch the video which will enable them to discover the range of exciting features that come as part of our service.

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This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 473.52 XLM
min 7 225
max 1 032 124
1 BTC 128.0153 20
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
204 530.32 XLM
min 25 376
max 3 173 016
1 BTC 50.0000 27
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 531.84 XLM
min 30 954
max 206 360
1 BTC 275.6835 12
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 559.73 XLM
min 10 813
max 1 836 023
1 BTC 69.8821 1
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 0 min.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 561.53 XLM
min 10 207
max 1 020 638
1 BTC 64.9010 0
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 567.56 XLM
min 10 207
max 2 449 530
1 BTC 249.6193 743
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 567.56 XLM
min 10 207
max 1 530 956
1 BTC 248.7959 387
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 0 min.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 567.56 XLM
min 11 228
max 2 000 450
1 BTC 155.9052 722
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.0001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 568.88 XLM
min 12 248
max 1 837 148
1 BTC 179.7259 416
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.0001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 653.81 XLM
min 57 121
max 1 020 013
1 BTC 108.3172 2
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 677.95 XLM
min 8 162
max 918 143
1 BTC 14.8140 0
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
204 684.45 XLM
min 16 266
max 406 587
1 BTC 36.8000 400
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 756.34 XLM
min 8 161
max 1 020 013
1 BTC 54.9000 3
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 793.25 XLM
min 41 283
max 619 231
1 BTC 16.9147 0
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
204 849.50 XLM
min 26 827
max 1 031 797
1 BTC 495.3742 1
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.1%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
205 189.79 XLM
min 35 000
max 30 778 469
1 BTC 50.0000 15
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.3%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
205 252.57 XLM
min 128 482
max 3 212 044
1 BTC 116.1216 1
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.02%.
205 352.58 XLM
min 50 000
max 100 000 000
1 BTC 76.2963 8
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
205 687.38 XLM
min 10 799
max 10 284 369
1 BTC 507.3250 1499
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
205 761.22 XLM
min 10 608
max 205 431
1 BTC 1.6973 24
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
205 915.90 XLM
min 1 020
max 7 128 272
1 BTC 348.6734 322
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
205 966.98 XLM
min 10 618
max 205 636
1 BTC 2.4960 236
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.3%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
206 138.40 XLM
min 6 000
max 3 400 000
1 BTC 59.5620 29
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
206 138.40 XLM
min 11 740
max 164 660
1 BTC 2.0968 24
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
206 200.24 XLM
min 11 743
max 185 298
1 BTC 2.5461 14
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
206 385.77 XLM
min 11 754
max 206 072
1 BTC 2.9954 532
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
207 150.12 XLM
min 409
max 204 095
1 BTC 0.5000 312
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
207 150.12 XLM
min 409
max 204 095
1 BTC 0.5000 7
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.01%.
207 915.19 XLM
min 10 396
max 51 979
1 BTC 11.3234 46
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
206 789.049941 – basic exchange rate;
0.00002304 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
208 444.24 XLM
min 87.41
max 26 862
1 BTC 134.3986 741
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
208 672.43 XLM
min 204
max 4 080 823
1 BTC 50.0000 89
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.1%.
208 768.27 XLM
min 4 802
max 322 247
1 BTC 1.5436 3
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
208 506.2873 – basic exchange rate;
0.00001 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
209 233.40 XLM
min 200
max 24 000
1 BTC 0.9000 383
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
209 742.54 XLM
min 408
max 51 528 941
1 BTC 153.0000 39
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
210 695.92 XLM
min 60 000
max 3 000 000
1 BTC 500.0812 84
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
210 780.23 XLM
min 10 000
max 4 000 000
1 BTC 743.1710 105
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
211 216.08 XLM
min 613
max 81 638
1 BTC 0.5000 153
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
208 333.333333 – basic exchange rate;
0.000045 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
211 640.21 XLM
min 114
max 6 250
1 BTC 2.5810 78
212 338.31 XLM
min 55
max 100 000
1 BTC 127.0087 100
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
205 832.536565 – basic exchange rate;
0.00009 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
212 390.05 XLM
min 188
max 30 607 236
1 BTC 50.0000 182
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
212 576.90 XLM
min 2 033
max 10 168 022
1 BTC 53.0000 123
212 669.64 XLM
min 55
max 100 000
1 BTC 93.0320 205
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
213 066.79 XLM
min 29.83
max 200 000
1 BTC 390.0508 53
213 066.79 XLM
min 36.22
max 200 000
1 BTC 16.2377 36
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
205 194.541953 – basic exchange rate;
0.00011 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
213 215.50 XLM
min 235
max 12 250 674
1 BTC 59.9000 398
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
213 884.90 XLM
min 625
max 10 932
1 BTC 37.0726 841
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 15 min.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
0.43058357 XLM – commission taken from the source currency;
212 234.128028 – basic exchange rate;
0.00002679 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
214 419.90 XLM
min 118
max 29 720
1 BTC 0.1476 4
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
214 675.64 XLM
min 2 147
max 214 676
1 BTC 3.3489 47
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.01%.
214 691.79 XLM
min 1 138
max 214 692
1 BTC 25.5721 16
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
214 748.22 XLM
min 101
max 20 169
1 BTC 0.9299 150
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
214 748.22 XLM
min 101
max 20 169
1 BTC 0.9299 1
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
215 019.88 XLM
min 10 000
max 2 000 000
1 BTC 115.0000 52
215 053.76 XLM
min 53.76
max 21 505 377
1 BTC 100.0000 7
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
215 262.08 XLM
min 2 063
max 618 685
1 BTC 325.0000 143
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
215 262.08 XLM
min 409
max 2 036 610 021
1 BTC 890.0000 107
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
215 262.08 XLM
min 2 007
max 204 180 871
1 BTC 798.0000 180
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
215 262.08 XLM
min 611
max 2 034 036
1 BTC 258.0000 75
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
215 262.08 XLM
min 204
max 203 477 732
1 BTC 32.0000 151
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
214 132.762313 – basic exchange rate;
0.00005 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
218 023.26 XLM
min 410
max 12 350
1 BTC 26.7443 51
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
219 891.37 XLM
min 408
max 2 038 776
1 BTC 188.0000 78
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
211 844.100535 – basic exchange rate;
0.00011005 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
220 408.14 XLM
min 420
max 10 892 596
1 BTC 102.8360 18
221 800.45 XLM
min 16 000
max 2 000 000
1 BTC 1.5749 14
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
224 030.84 XLM
min 2 063
max 618 685
1 BTC 120.0000 87
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
224 030.84 XLM
min 2 600
max 10 000 000
1 BTC 2.4554 14
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.05%.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
205 461.827451 – basic exchange rate;
0.00025 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
224 698.02 XLM
min 4 600
max 1 850 000
1 BTC 44.0031 351
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger requires registration
before creating an order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
206 041.125809 – basic exchange rate;
0.00025 BTC – commission taken from the target currency.
225 391.05 XLM
min 1 005
max 10 000 000 000
1 BTC 46.1100 38
226 903.90 XLM
min 183
max 200 000
1 BTC 24.1298 9
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
245 386.92 XLM
min 1 000
max 20 000
1 BTC 11.8433 0
Chart for
The total number working with the Stellar (XLM) Bitcoin (BTC) direction is 68 vetted exchangers.
Total reserve in exchangers: 8 860.8841 BTC. Average exchange rate: 210 769.284947
Some of the exchangers presented here have additional commissions that are included in the rates in case of calculating an exchange for the amount of 600 XLM. To calculate the best exchange for your amount, use the Calculator feature.
In order to combat money laundering and terrorism financing, exchangers conduct AML checks of transactions coming from their customers.
If a transaction is identified as high-risk, an exchanger may halt the operation to perform a KYC procedure. The KYC information is needed solely to comply with the AML/KYC requirements to subsequently unblock the funds sent in the transaction.

All You Need to know About Exchanging Stellar to Bitcoin

All exchangers listed will offer a service of automatically exchanging Stellar to Bitcoin. You will find useful instructions in the FAQ section which can be used by those who are exchanging electronic money through our site for the first time, enabling them to deal with any challenges they experience during the exchange process.

It is important to remember that exchange rates Stellar Bitcoin can improve when you visit an exchange site through monitor than if you were to visit an exchanger directly.

If you are unable to learn about exchanging money when you visit the site, get in touch with the operator of the exchanger (administrator). It is likely that at that moment in time that automatic exchange Stellar (XLM) to Bitcoin (BTC) is unavailable which means that a manual process will be followed when carrying out your exchange.

If you are unable to exchange STR cryptocurrency to BitCoin cryptocurrency at your chosen exchanger, inform us so we can take the right action efficiently (discuss the issue with the owner or remove the exchange from this exchange direction). You can also find out from other users at our forum to discover offers relating to manual exchange.

Exchanger Reliability

All exchangers that you find on our website have been checked thoroughly prior to being listed and BestChange constantly monitors how they perform. This means that all financial transactions are safer with all exchangers listed within our monitor. It is important to read all reviews from other users when selecting an exchangers, as well as the condition of its website, the reserves and the existing status of the specific exchanger within our monitor.