Exchange rates:

Exchange USDCoin ERC20 (USDC) to Revolut EUR

In the list below, you will see exchangers where it is possible to exchange USDCoin ERC20 (USDC) to Revolut EUR. The list contains the best rates at the top, enabling you to see which exchangers offer the best rate. To choose an exchanger, it is advised that you consider the reviews and reserves in the corresponding columns. Click on your chosen exchanger and visit its website to exchange money.

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EUR Revolut
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This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.06799041 USDC ERC20
min 801
max 32 040
1 EUR Revolut 47 128 1
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.06827941 USDC ERC20
min 855
max 160 242
1 EUR Revolut 1 004 321 384
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.06838844 USDC ERC20
min 855
max 89 854
1 EUR Revolut 664 196 443
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
This exchanger requires registration
before creating an order.
1.06883963 USDC ERC20
min 162
max 10 689
1 EUR Revolut 837 058 43
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.07012230 USDC ERC20
min 1 071
max 10 000
1 EUR Revolut 130 450 599
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.07022650 USDC ERC20
min 803
max 78 344
1 EUR Revolut 656 220 111
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.07197113 USDC ERC20
min 804
max 107 198
1 EUR Revolut 488 070 834
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.07235363 USDC ERC20
min 1 073
max 160 854
1 EUR Revolut 198 794 66
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.07374414 USDC ERC20
min 859
max 108 764
1 EUR Revolut 1 599 768 401
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.07532201 USDC ERC20
min 501
max 20 020
1 EUR Revolut 300 300 8
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.07586471 USDC ERC20
min 969
max 96 828
1 EUR Revolut 903 281 12
1.07761430 USDC ERC20
min 1 078
max 21 553
1 EUR Revolut 1 980 125 135
1.07963350 USDC ERC20
min 1 080
max 100 000
1 EUR Revolut 90 272 431
1.08226910 USDC ERC20
min 379
max 107 145
1 EUR Revolut 735 539 1545
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.08417000 USDC ERC20
min 1 085
max 21 684
1 EUR Revolut 203 529 281
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
This exchanger may require verification
of the client's bank card.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
1.07689 – basic exchange rate;
1% – commission taken from the target currency.
1.08776762 USDC ERC20
min 32.31
max 16 154
1 EUR Revolut 100 000 6
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.08943024 USDC ERC20
min 501
max 20 020
1 EUR Revolut 300 300 312
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.09000000 USDC ERC20
min 545
max 6 896
1 EUR Revolut 6 326 111
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.09008816 USDC ERC20
min 1 036
max 200 000
1 EUR Revolut 931 645 385
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.09176253 USDC ERC20
min 501
max 200 121
1 EUR Revolut 1 902 280 3353
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
1.11055645 USDC ERC20
min 289
max 111 056
1 EUR Revolut 695 386 1510
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.3%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.11066746 USDC ERC20
min 555
max 55 482
1 EUR Revolut 1 000 000 112
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
1.11066758 USDC ERC20
min 334
max 1 110 668
1 EUR Revolut 914 488 717
1.11836528 USDC ERC20
min 280
max 1 000
1 EUR Revolut 4 185 56
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification
of the client's bank card.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.12233415 USDC ERC20
min 1 097
max 1 000 000
1 EUR Revolut 1 772 190 22
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
1.116071 – basic exchange rate;
1.5 EUR – commission taken from the target currency.
1.12233446 USDC ERC20
min 16.74
max 9 487
1 EUR Revolut 100 000 225
This exchanger requires registration
before creating an order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.12359551 USDC ERC20
min 50
max 50 000
1 EUR Revolut 10 000 000 17
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
1.119069 – basic exchange rate;
1.5 EUR – commission taken from the target currency.
1.12536574 USDC ERC20
min 16.79
max 9 513
1 EUR Revolut 100 000 23
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
1.122083 – basic exchange rate;
1.5 EUR – commission taken from the target currency.
1.12841345 USDC ERC20
min 16.83
max 9 538
1 EUR Revolut 100 000 47
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.14718291 USDC ERC20
min 106
max 5 003
1 EUR Revolut 94 764 152
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.16009281 USDC ERC20
min 2 000
max 10 000
1 EUR Revolut 102 345 60
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
1.155488 – basic exchange rate;
1.3 EUR – commission taken from the target currency.
1.16130259 USDC ERC20
min 16
max 5 000
1 EUR Revolut 18 306 329
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.17267587 USDC ERC20
min 470
max 99 260
1 EUR Revolut 4 737 540 107
This exchanger transfers funds
via third-party payment systems.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.17278698 USDC ERC20
min 334
max 49 956
1 EUR Revolut 61 217 123
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.17284253 USDC ERC20
min 58.64
max 99 372 925
1 EUR Revolut 947 284 180
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
1.18614446 USDC ERC20
min 65
max 50 000
1 EUR Revolut 450 000 52
Chart for
The total number working with the USDC ERC20 (USDC) Revolut EUR direction is 36 vetted exchangers.
Total reserve in exchangers: 34 177 303 EUR Revolut. Average exchange rate: 1.114430

The EUR/USD official rate from European Central Bank for today is 1.056800
Some of the exchangers presented here have additional commissions that are included in the rates in case of calculating an exchange for the amount of 300 USD. To calculate the best exchange for your amount, use the Calculator feature.
In order to combat money laundering and terrorism financing, exchangers conduct AML checks of transactions coming from their customers.
If a transaction is identified as high-risk, an exchanger may halt the operation to perform a KYC procedure. The KYC information is needed solely to comply with the AML/KYC requirements to subsequently unblock the funds sent in the transaction.

All You Need to know About Exchanging USD Coin ERC20 to Revolut EUR

All exchangers listed will offer a service of automatically exchanging USD Coin ERC20 to Revolut EUR. You will find useful instructions in the FAQ section which can be used by those who are exchanging electronic money through our site for the first time, enabling them to deal with any challenges they experience during the exchange process.

It is important to remember that exchange rates USDC-ERC20 Revolut-EUR can improve when you visit an exchange site through monitor than if you were to visit an exchanger directly.

If you are unable to learn about exchanging money when you visit the site, get in touch with the operator of the exchanger (administrator). It is likely that at that moment in time that automatic exchange USDC ERC20 (USDC) to Revolut EUR is unavailable which means that a manual process will be followed when carrying out your exchange.

If you are unable to exchange USD Coin stablecoin in ERC-20 network to Revolut Bank card in euro at your chosen exchanger, inform us so we can take the right action efficiently (discuss the issue with the owner or remove the exchange from this exchange direction). You can also find out from other users at our forum to discover offers relating to manual exchange.

Exchanger Reliability

All exchangers that you find on our website have been checked thoroughly prior to being listed and BestChange constantly monitors how they perform. This means that all financial transactions are safer with all exchangers listed within our monitor. It is important to read all reviews from other users when selecting an exchangers, as well as the condition of its website, the reserves and the existing status of the specific exchanger within our monitor.