Exchange rates:

Exchange Tether TRC20 (USDT) to Cosmos (ATOM)

In the list below, you will see exchangers where it is possible to exchange Tether TRC20 (USDT) to Cosmos (ATOM). The list contains the best rates at the top, enabling you to see which exchangers offer the best rate. To choose an exchanger, it is advised that you consider the reviews and reserves in the corresponding columns. Click on your chosen exchanger and visit its website to exchange money.

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This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.68668694 USDT TRC20
min 2 106
max 534 776
1 ATOM 756 622 0
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.68735910 USDT TRC20
min 15 793
max 105 287
1 ATOM 405 385 5
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.68853771 USDT TRC20
min 6 500
max 900 000
1 ATOM 1 493 301 1
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69138294 USDT TRC20
min 3 686
max 526 433
1 ATOM 1 099 893 20
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69153566 USDT TRC20
min 10 000
max 650 000
1 ATOM 7 040 573 17
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.69160000 USDT TRC20
min 900
max 1 299 995
1 ATOM 149 001 15
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.1%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69338677 USDT TRC20
min 4 000
max 93 868
1 ATOM 20 000 15
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.0001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69370811 USDT TRC20
min 7 500
max 900 000
1 ATOM 3 836 072 416
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69417767 USDT TRC20
min 8 000
max 750 000
1 ATOM 5 310 304 387
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.0001%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69464200 USDT TRC20
min 5 000
max 500 000
1 ATOM 2 314 617 2
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69464732 USDT TRC20
min 7 800
max 1 200 000
1 ATOM 5 327 878 743
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.69469000 USDT TRC20
min 8 001
max 200 000
1 ATOM 39 520 400
This exchanger states the exchange rate
in the request for not more than 0 min.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69511700 USDT TRC20
min 7 000
max 500 000
1 ATOM 1 385 248 0
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.69613831 USDT TRC20
min 12 000
max 65 000
1 ATOM 500 000 19
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.69699400 USDT TRC20
min 4 000
max 500 000
1 ATOM 1 173 308 1
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.69764923 USDT TRC20
min 277
max 18 791
1 ATOM 996 986 12
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
4.69998519 USDT TRC20
min 499
max 98 085
1 ATOM 209 289 1295
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.70000000 USDT TRC20
min 100
max 285 252
1 ATOM 60 692 3
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.70127465 USDT TRC20
min 99
max 100 000
1 ATOM 125 101 3
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.70172500 USDT TRC20
min 160
max 5 000
1 ATOM 267 591 20
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.70406678 USDT TRC20
min 300
max 5 000
1 ATOM 241 213 200
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger may require verification of the client's documents
or halt the payment to check other data.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
4.704793 – basic exchange rate;
0.02 ATOM – commission taken from the target currency.
4.70626938 USDT TRC20
min 29.99
max 6 000 143
1 ATOM 1 275 326 371
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.05%.
4.70637690 USDT TRC20
min 500
max 1 000 000
1 ATOM 1 198 906 6
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
4.702033 – basic exchange rate;
0.1 ATOM – commission taken from the target currency.
4.70941427 USDT TRC20
min 10
max 2 352
1 ATOM 3 000 36
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.70984575 USDT TRC20
min 1 580
max 26 322
1 ATOM 10 009 0
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.71110500 USDT TRC20
min 160
max 5 000
1 ATOM 267 591 228
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.3%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.71421200 USDT TRC20
min 11 496
max 287 389
1 ATOM 93 394 1
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
4.711694 – basic exchange rate;
0.0343 ATOM – commission taken from the target currency.
4.71423344 USDT TRC20
min 2.80044304
max 38 923
1 ATOM 9 225 726
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.05%.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
4.715058 – basic exchange rate;
0.1 ATOM – commission taken from the target currency.
4.72248026 USDT TRC20
min 100
max 200 000
1 ATOM 231 208 257
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.72514610 USDT TRC20
min 251
max 472 515
1 ATOM 140 077 1136
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger requires registration
before creating an order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
4.722188 – basic exchange rate;
0.1 ATOM – commission taken from the target currency.
4.72963295 USDT TRC20
min 20.12
max 10 000 000 000
1 ATOM 1 033 868 38
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.73000000 USDT TRC20
min 200
max 56 125
1 ATOM 11 866 126
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.73000000 USDT TRC20
min 200
max 5 023
1 ATOM 1 062 104
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.73626455 USDT TRC20
min 500
max 300 000
1 ATOM 2 416 862
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.73851600 USDT TRC20
min 252
max 100 000
1 ATOM 101 757 560
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.76270000 USDT TRC20
min 100
max 100 000
1 ATOM 25 722 1
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.76923600 USDT TRC20
min 9.538472
max 10 000
1 ATOM 54 60
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.01%.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
4.761974 – basic exchange rate;
0.1 ATOM – commission taken from the target currency.
4.76954482 USDT TRC20
min 20
max 1 000
1 ATOM 1 000 55
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
4.755096 – basic exchange rate;
0.21850324 ATOM – commission taken from the target currency.
4.77162200 USDT TRC20
min 220
max 819 338
1 ATOM 344 615 17
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.77282467 USDT TRC20
min 32.63
max 52 039
1 ATOM 589 788 197
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.77754178 USDT TRC20
min 32.63
max 52 039
1 ATOM 589 788 95
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.78571429 USDT TRC20
min 73.73
max 1 053 297
1 ATOM 151 799 143
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.81922212 USDT TRC20
min 49.33
max 9 867
1 ATOM 20 819 149
This exchanger does not fix the
exchange rate in the order.
4.81922212 USDT TRC20
min 49.33
max 9 867
1 ATOM 20 819 1
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.83370000 USDT TRC20
min 1.594555
max 18 900 000
1 ATOM 90 741 53
This exchanger states the exchange rate in the request
if the market exchange rate changes by not more than 0.5%.
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.83505155 USDT TRC20
min 106
max 31 599
1 ATOM 1 920 3
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.83506605 USDT TRC20
min 73.73
max 842 638
1 ATOM 500 852 87
4.83558994 USDT TRC20
min 1 000
max 70 799
1 ATOM 14 641 492
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.85874500 USDT TRC20
min 3.278802
max 100 000
1 ATOM 10 367 1
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
The final exchange rate includes the following commissions:
4.851369 – basic exchange rate;
0.0212 ATOM – commission taken from the target currency.
4.85990842 USDT TRC20
min 1.276929
max 116
1 ATOM 24 838
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.86393100 USDT TRC20
min 3.282302
max 100 000
1 ATOM 10 114 28
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.87864400 USDT TRC20
min 153
max 6 120
1 ATOM 61 062 50
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.94073020 USDT TRC20
min 50
max 233 900
1 ATOM 18 868 206
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
4.99329100 USDT TRC20
min 2.995975
max 100 000
1 ATOM 22 709 117
This exchanger runs in the manual
or semiautomatic mode.
5.38000000 USDT TRC20
min 5
max 20 600
1 ATOM 44 013 21
Chart for
The total number working with the Tether TRC20 (USDT) Cosmos (ATOM) direction is 55 vetted exchangers.
Total reserve in exchangers: 39 652 012 ATOM. Average exchange rate: 4.703088

The ATOM/USD official rate from CoinMarketCap for today is 4.687825
Some of the exchangers presented here have additional commissions that are included in the rates in case of calculating an exchange for the amount of 300 USD. To calculate the best exchange for your amount, use the Calculator feature.
In order to combat money laundering and terrorism financing, exchangers conduct AML checks of transactions coming from their customers.
If a transaction is identified as high-risk, an exchanger may halt the operation to perform a KYC procedure. The KYC information is needed solely to comply with the AML/KYC requirements to subsequently unblock the funds sent in the transaction.

All You Need to know About Exchanging Tether USDT TRC20 to Cosmos

All exchangers listed will offer a service of automatically exchanging Tether USDT TRC20 to Cosmos. You will find useful instructions in the FAQ section which can be used by those who are exchanging electronic money through our site for the first time, enabling them to deal with any challenges they experience during the exchange process.

It is important to remember that exchange rates USDT-TRC Cosmos can improve when you visit an exchange site through monitor than if you were to visit an exchanger directly.

If you are unable to learn about exchanging money when you visit the site, get in touch with the operator of the exchanger (administrator). It is likely that at that moment in time that automatic exchange Tether TRC20 (USDT) to Cosmos (ATOM) is unavailable which means that a manual process will be followed when carrying out your exchange.

If you are unable to exchange Tether USDT stablecoin in TRC-20 network to Cosmos cryptocurrency at your chosen exchanger, inform us so we can take the right action efficiently (discuss the issue with the owner or remove the exchange from this exchange direction). You can also find out from other users at our forum to discover offers relating to manual exchange.

Exchanger Reliability

All exchangers that you find on our website have been checked thoroughly prior to being listed and BestChange constantly monitors how they perform. This means that all financial transactions are safer with all exchangers listed within our monitor. It is important to read all reviews from other users when selecting an exchangers, as well as the condition of its website, the reserves and the existing status of the specific exchanger within our monitor.