How to exchange USD Coin (USDC) for Tether (USDT)
Although USDT and USDC are identical, investors often prefer keeping their funds in different cryptocurrencies to diversify their risk. In addition, depending on the task that the investor seeks to solve, USDC or USDT may be needed (for example, if the balance of yield of stablecoins in decentralized applications changes).
In addition, USDC is a bit more volatile than USDT, and in some cases, investors are afraid to keep their assets in USD Coin, so they prefer to transfer funds to Tether, the most stable asset.
Available ways to exchange USDC to USDT
On the BestChange website, it is possible to exchange USDC Stablecoin to Tether USDT in 7 different networks:
- Ethereum (ERC-20);
- Tron (TRC-20);
- BNB Smart Chain or BSC (BEP-20);
- Polygon;
- Solana;
- TON;
- Optimism;
- Arbitrum.
This applies to both stablecoins and different exchange options are available. For example, a user can exchange USD Coin on the Polygon network for Tether on the Ethereum blockchain, USDC on the BNB Smart Chain for USDT on Arbitrum, and so on. In addition to the above options, it is also possible to get a Tether token on the Omni network.
All available USD Coin to Tether exchange options are in the BestChange exchange table.
How to exchange USDC to USDT
Step 1: Find an exchanger
The exchange table on the BestChange website can help you find a suitable exchanger. In the left column, you can find options for token sales, and in the right column, you can purchase tokens, which the user will receive in his wallet after the transaction is completed.
The user must select a specific USDC to USDT exchange direction to display the list of relevant exchangers.
The list of exchangers that appear allows you to compare the conditions and select the desired exchange point. The most favorable USDC exchange rate initially sorts this list. If desired, the user can change the sorting order of exchangers by other parameters, such as the amount of available reserves.
Step 2: Creating an exchange request
When you go to the website of the selected exchanger, a request form will appear. In it, you need to specify the address of the wallet to which USDT will be sent during the transaction. Also, in most cases, exchangers require you to specify your email address to receive a check and confirm the transaction.
The wallet address and email address are the minimum required data set for creating an application; in some cases, exchangers may also ask for other data. To send an exchange request, you must fill in all the necessary fields of the form and agree to the terms of service.
Step 3: Sending and receiving funds
Once the exchange request has been sent, the exchanger will respond by sending a wallet address to transfer the USDC stablecoin to the network the user has chosen.
The user must transfer the USDC tokens to that address and confirm the transaction. Once the user's transfer is confirmed, the exchanger will send the specified amount of USDT tokens to the provided wallet on the network that was selected at the request creation stage.
In most cases, the tokens arrive within the wallet minutes after sending. The most extended USDT transaction can take place on the Ethereum network. In other blockchains, the transfer usually takes less than a minute. In case of any delays, you can view the USDT transfer status using the hash provided by the exchanger after sending the stablecoin to the user's wallet.