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How to exchange Toncoin (TON) for Tether (USDT)

The reason for TON's impressive growth is the activity of developers, a large-scale marketing campaign, the launch and promotion of new ecosystem products, the launch of updates and the release of a new roadmap, as well as the TON Foundation's partnership with Tether, the issuer of USDT, the largest stablecoin in the crypto market.

As part of the TON Foundation's partnership with Tether, the USDT stablecoin was issued on the TON network, bringing additional liquidity to the ecosystem of both projects. Against all this news, the TON cryptocurrency has grown significantly.

In which networks can I exchange Toncoin for USDT stablecoin?

Tether stablecoin does not have a blockchain; it can be quickly issued on any network that supports smart contracts with token issuance functionality. For example, USDT exists on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token, on the Tron network as TRC-20, and on Solana as SPL.

When exchanging the TON cryptocurrency, there are several options to receive USDT stablecoin, depending on the network. You can choose from the BestChange exchange table:

For example, a user can send Toncoin cryptocurrency to an exchanger in the TON network and receive USDT stablecoin in any other network: Polygon, Solana, or Ethereum.

For USDT, there is no fundamental difference in which network to store the stablecoin, as each blockchain is entirely secure and provides access to a wide range of financial services on the DeFi market, except for Omni. But the Solana, TON, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism blockchains are the best for the fastest and cheapest transfers.

How to exchange TON to USDT using BestChange

To convert TON to USDT stablecoin, you must select the cryptocurrency to sell (in this case, TON) in the first column of the exchange table and the asset to buy, i.e., USDT, in the second column. You can get USDT in the same TON network or any other network in the exchange table (Ethereum, BSC, Tron, Polygon, and so on).

Then, in the list that appears, you need to select the exchange that suits the user in terms of conditions. After choosing the desired exchanger, you should go to its website to create a request to exchange TON to USDT.

After going to the exchanger's website, the user must fill out the form provided by the service to create a request. In it, the user should specify the wallet address to receive USDT by the network selected by the user and e-mail.

After filling out and submitting the form on the exchanger's website, you must wait for a response from the service, which will provide the wallet address for the TON cryptocurrency transfer.

After the user sends TON, the exchanger should confirm the transfer and send USDT tokens to his wallet, and the transaction will be completed. Usually, the tokens arrive within a few minutes of sending. In rare cases, there may be delays when using the Ethereum blockchain due to high activity on this network.

The hash that the exchanger provides after sending USDT allows one to know whether the transfer has been made and how many confirmations are left until its completion: using this information in the blockchain browser, one can calculate the approximate delivery time of the cryptocurrency.

Exchange Toncoin to e-currencies

On our site you can see the current exchange rates of Toncoin (TON) to other electronic payment systems.

Exchange Toncoin (TON) to another currency:

Exchange e-currency to Toncoin (TON):

© – , updated 06/19/2024
Reprints are allowed only with permission of BestChange

See also