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Should you get the Piastrix Payment System?

Piastrix is arelatively new player in the online payment market, but it already becamerelatively popular not just amongst its target audience in Russia, but also inEurope, North America, and parts of Asia. It still has a relatively minorpower, with mere millions of users, but it does provide a vast array of paymentsolutions.

Features and Services

Piastrix offers a variety of payment services, including payments, money transfers,and currency exchanges. It operates as a reliable payment gateway, which meansyou can easily connect your business to it and collect money from customers, aswell as send money to businesses as a customer.

The paymentsystem is available in more than 200 countries and supports transactions inseveral currencies, including USD, EUR,RUB, and KZT. Piastrix has also partnered with several internationalpayment providers to offer its users a range of payment methods, including:

  1. SWIFT,
  2. Visa,
  3. MasterCard,
  4. Payeer payments.

One of theunique features of Piastrix is its ability to facilitate cryptocurrencytransactions. Users can make deposits and withdrawals using popularcryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Piastrix has integratedwith several cryptocurrency exchanges to offer seamless cryptocurrencytransactions.

At themoment, the system is at its most efficient as a gateway. While you can sendmoney back and forth, this function is limited by the number of systems andpayment solutions that are compatible with Piastrix. Essentially, it lets youexchange currencies and send money to other Piastrix users, and that's largelyit.

As avendor, however, you can set up a Piastrix wallet and receive money fromcustomers without forcing them to create an account on this system. It can beintegrated into your website to collect such payments in a quick, painless, andreliable way.

Registration and Verification

Creating anaccount on Piastrix is a straightforward process that only takes a few minutes.The verification itself doesn't demand anything more than an email and apassword. To complete the procedure, simply receive the verification message inyour email and follow the instructions received.

Registrationis one thing. You also should go through the KYC procedure, which demands thatyou provide extensive personal details, such as your full name, date of birth,location, and more. It's standard practice, but be ready that it won't be anymore lenient just because it's a Russia-based service.

Once you'vesubmitted all the necessary information, it doesn't take much time to getverified. It's usually several days. Once approved, users can access all thefeatures, including cryptocurrency transactions and fund withdrawals. Verifiedusers can also benefit from higher transaction limits and lower fees.

Commissions and Fees

Piastrix'sfees are among the lowest in the online payment market. Deposits andwithdrawals are generally free, but users may incur fees from their banks orpayment providers. The commission for money transfers is also low, with feesranging from 0.5% to 1%, dependingon the payment method and transaction amount.

The feesfor depositing and withdrawing funds are less lenient. Some solutions, likePerfectMoney, can be charged as much as 10%. Most cryptocurrencies have fixedcommissions. For instance, Ethereum payments typically have a 10 USD commissionuntil a certain point.

Overall,the commissions and fees are lower than the average in the industry. It's oneof the talking points of the entire Piastrix experience. It's a cheap providerthat charges relatively little for its services and offers a reliable gatewaytechnology to vendors.

Limits and Supported Currencies

Piastriximposes limits on transactions to ensure the security of its users. The maximumtransaction limit for verified users is 50,000USD, while the minimum transaction amount is 20 USD. The payment system supports transactions in USD, EUR, KZT, and RUB. Users can hold multiple balances in these currencies.

The limitsare somewhat lower for unverified users, and a typical unverified user won't beable to exceed the threshold of 10,000 USD per transaction. There are alsodaily and monthly limits on transactions, but you'll only ever reach these ifyou have an unusually successful business.

Supported Banks

Piastrixhas partnered with more than 40 banks and payment providers to offer its usersa range of payment options. Some of the supported banks include Barclays, HSBC, and Citibank. The payment system also supports popular e-wallets such asSkrill, Neteller, and Perfect Money.

There arealso several exclusively Russian solutions this provider supports. Thatincludes Qiwi, YouMoney, Alfabank, and several other companies. Uniquely amongRussian payment systems, this one supports both native solutions andinternational transactions through Visa, MasterCard, and SWIFT.


In summary, Piastrix is an online payment system that offers a variety of payment servicesdesigned to meet the needs of both individual and business users. The paymentsystem supports transactions in several currencies and has integrated withseveral payment providers to offer a range of payment methods.

Piastrix's fees are among the lowest in the online payment market. it has partnered withmore than 40 banks and payment providers to offer its users a variety ofpayment options. It's more convenient touse it if you have a business. It's especially useful if you have an onlinebusiness with the ties to the Russian market.

As agateway provider, Pastrix is no less effective than other such companies outthere. Unlike them, however, it has a unique advantage in the form of lowcommissions. It also has excellent customer support, technical reliability anda good user-friendly design, if that's important to you.

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