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How to use Kuna exchange codes

Ukrainian crypto exchange Kuna offers users a convenient way to move funds between accounts — Kuna Code vouchers. This code can be used to send money to a friend or business partner and buy/sell it through exchangers. On BestChange, you will find several exchangers that support such a direction.

Advantages of Kuna code

Why using Kuna code is convenient and profitable:

  • Sending any fiat and digital currencies supported by the exchange.
  • Commission-free transfer (both sending and crediting).
  • Instant receipt of funds after code activation. In rare cases, a delay of up to 1 minute is possible.
  • High reliability. It is almost impossible for a hacker to pick up the code, as it consists of 45 random symbols.

The code can be named — if you specify the user ID at the time of creation, no one else but that user (and the creator) can activate the voucher. In addition, to increase trust between the parties to the transaction, the creator can set a specific period during which only the recipient, but not the creator, can activate the code.

How to create a Kuna Code

Open the Kuna Exchange app and go to the "Kuna Codes" tab/section. Then:

  • Select the "Create Code" option.
  • Select the currency or cryptocurrency in which the voucher will be expressed.
  • Specify the amount you want to transfer. There are no restrictions.
  • If necessary, specify the Kuna ID. This should be given to you by the recipient. You can view your ID by clicking on the profile icon on the exchange.
  • If desired, add an accompanying text.
  • Generate the code by clicking the corresponding button. Generation is instantaneous. If two-factor authentication is enabled, you will need to confirm the action.
  • Then, send the resulting combination to the recipient.

In this way, you can simply gift funds to another user, pay for goods or services, and economically exchange cryptocurrency to fiat or back with the help of online exchangers.

The exchange has a Telegram bot for buying and selling codes: @kunacodebot.

VIP users can split a voucher (in the Telegram bot, menu "Other"). If the code amount is UAH 200 or more, you should specify the amount to be separated. Then, the bot will issue two codes for the separate amount and the remaining balance.

Code Activation

Activating a Kuna code is even easier than creating one. It is enough to go to the "Activate Code" section in the left menu of the "Kuna Code" section. Then insert the received combination and press "Activate".

If a trust period is set, the code's creator will see a notification about its activation by the recipient. It is impossible to receive funds by the code if it is personalized and another user's name is specified.

After successful activation, the money is immediately credited to the balance.


Kuna Code, as well as the codes of other cryptocurrency exchanges, is a very convenient tool for a quick, profitable exchange of assets or their transfer. The presence of many exchanges that support vouchers of this kind makes interacting with them even more accessible and more comfortable. The code's creation and activation take no more than a minute. At the same time, the tool is highly reliable if we consider the possibility of creating a nominal code and setting a trust period.

© – , updated 10/25/2024
Reprints are allowed only with permission of BestChange

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